Public & Non-Profit

Consulting for the public sector and non-profit organisations

Organisations operating in the public sector today often face similar challenges to many companies in the free economy: clients are expecting better service, employees are under constant pressure to increase efficiency – while digitalisation is requiring unforeseen resources and completely new skills from teams and managers. But public institutions, associations, societies and foundations also have their own specific considerations: the non-profit objectives, the political environment and a high level of public interest.

Working with you, we develop customised solutions to improve your organisation comprehensively and for the long term. We develop strategies, structure the organisation and processes, develop management tools and strategic personnel planning and prepare job evaluations for civil servants and pay-scale employees. With our extensive experience and networks, we also support you in the search for and selection of managers.

In doing so, we not only create theoretical concepts, but also implement the solutions practically with you and your employees. We put people at the centre. To successfully implement these holistic solutions, interdisciplinary expertise is critical as everything is connected: strategy with processes, processes with structures, structures with employees, employees with remuneration and everything with good communication.

We've been advising the public sector for more than half a century and know the challenges and strengths of public organisations – from municipalities to ministries, from scientific institutions right through to social insurance funds and organisations in the non-profit sector.
Hilmar Schmidt
Managing Director

Public & non-profit: our services

Searching for and selecting managers

Through our industry network, we are in close contact with experienced professionals who can enhance your management team and key positions with the necessary experience and skills – this applies in particular to strategic staffing projects at top level, including executive board and management, as well as supervisory board and advisory board mandates.

Sabine Dreißig
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Bernhard Walter
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Management consulting for public & NPO

We develop tailor-made solutions with you and your employees to improve your organisation comprehensively and for the long term. We develop strategies, structure organisation, processes and your personnel planning and utilise all the potential for digitalisation in the implementation of the Online Access Act.

Dr. Hilmar Schmidt
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Dr. Nikola Ornig
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Remuneration of executives and specialists

The appropriate remuneration of managing directors and board members, attractive incentives to increase employer attractiveness and a job evaluation in line with requirements are core topics of our advisory services for public institutions and companies

Arne Sievert
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