Welcome to Prague
In the Czech Republic, we are a major market player in Executive Search and Management Consulting – similar to our parent company based in Germany. Kienbaum ranks among the most successful consulting companies, especially in the field of automotive, engineering & manufacturing and logistics. Our company has also built an expertise in the field of retail over the past years.
Ever since the founding of Kienbaum’s Czech subsidiary in 1996, we have been advising you, our clients, on recruitment as well as the skill evaluation and development of your executives and senior managers across the Czech and Slovak markets.
We perceive the combination of Executive Search and Management Consulting as essential in our work. Moreover, we offer comprehensive solutions that complement our clients’ leadership strategies. This is also reflected in the fact that we carry out around 100 successful Executive Search projects every year.
In addition to direct search, we are also specialists in the field of Management Diagnostics, Learning and Human Resource Development. Furthermore, we have been publishing remuneration studies in the Czech and Slovak Republics focused mainly on executive positions for many years.
Vítejte v Praze
V České republice jsme klíčovým hráčem trhu v oblasti Executive Search a Management Consulting, stejně jako naše mateřská společnost v Německu. Řadíme se mezi úspěšné poradenské společnosti především v oblasti automobilového průmyslu, ve strojírenské výrobě a logistice. V posledních letech dosahujeme velmi dobrých výsledků i v oblasti retailu.
Od roku 1996, kdy byla založena česká dceřiná společnost Kienbaum, radíme vám, našim klientům, v oblasti náboru zaměstnanců, vyhodnocujeme a rozvíjíme schopnosti vašich vedoucích pracovníků a senior manažerů napříč českým a slovenským trhem.
Pří naší práci vnímáme jako nezbytné kombinovat naše zkušenosti z oblasti Executive Search s aktivitami z oblasti Management Consulting. Nabízíme tím našim klientům komplexní řešení, které dotváří jejich personální strategii. Tomu odpovídá i skutečnost, že každoročně realizujeme 100 úspěšných projektů v oblasti Executive Search.
Kromě přímého vyhledávání jsme specialisté také na oblast personální diagnostiky, vzdělávání a rozvoje lidských zdrojů. Již řadu let vydáváme v ČR a SR studie odměňování zaměřené hlavně na vedoucí pracovníky.
Our Expertise
Our compensation and performance management systems take into consideration an operating model’s control logic in combination with effective means of motivation control. These can include monetary incentive systems or, increasingly, non-monetary leadership and feedback principles – always consistent with your organization’s individual goals.
We assist your company in the development and implementation of aptitude analysis processes and instruments as well as the qualification of your employees. In addition, we advise and support you in identifying critical success requirements for your employees, and we translate these into your own competency and potential model.
The Kienbaum C-Suite has been developed by our experts to provide you with comprehensive and individualized career counseling and hiring strategies in the digital age. Based in in-depth analysis of your strengths, the program contains elements of individualized coaching and training, excellent advising and opportunties for networking.
Kienbaum is excellently positioned and has decades of experience in filling top management positions as a personnel consultancy and recruitment agency. Kienbaum is familiar with the challenges facing – and posed by – CEOs, owners, supervisory boards and HR heads. Our networks and close contact with decision-makers support you in quickly and effectively filling challenging jobs with the right people.
Jan Nezkusil
Petr Hruska
Do you have any further questions? Contact us!
Kienbaum & Partner GmbH
Lazarská 5
110 00 Prague 1 – Nove Mesto
Czech Republic
T: +42 022 494 81-68
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