Real Estate

Finding and developing managers for the real estate industry

The real estate industry is fast-growing and in a state of constant change. Real estate is still very attractive as a capital investment, but the demands on the industry from investors, users, business and politicians are increasing.

Because of the complex environment, market participants need to constantly professionalise while new skills at management levels are needed. Innovative managers and talents with strong strategic expertise and modern management skills are essential.

Our real estate consultants understand the challenges and goals of your company, know the candidate and competitive environment and have excellent methodological skills in assessing candidates. They analyse and define the competencies for your key positions and fill them with the right talent.

We also support you in the promotion and retention of your key players, the structure of incentive systems, the establishment of new management cultures and organisations and professional separation management.

We are your specialist partner for all aspects of the success factor “People & Organisation”.

As an asset in the real estate industry, people are crucial to success.
Barbara Thiell
Head of Practice Group Real Estate
We match you with the right minds and help you develop and retain them in the best possible way.
Oliver Rüsing
Principal of Practice Group Real Estate

Real estate: our services

Searching for and selecting managers

Through our industry network, we are in close contact with experienced professionals who can enhance your management team and key positions with the necessary experience and skills – this applies in particular to strategic staffing projects at top level, including executive board and management, as well as supervisory board and advisory board mandates.

Barbara Thiell
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Oliver Rüsing
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Nils Juncken
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Analysing and optimising remuneration and incentive systems

We develop – taking into account industry specifics – remuneration and performance management systems which bind particularly success-relevant people to your company for the long term.

Giuseppe Costa
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Dr. Julia Leitl-Civan
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Jörg Scholten
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Developing and implementing HR strategies

Developing and implementing people, employee and functional strategies will ensure the HR function can adapt to new requirements building on traditional HR areas.

Eberhard Hübbe
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