Human Resources

In times of profound change, an HR executive becomes a game changer

For companies in the process of transformation, the HR function is a key to success – by shaping the workforce of tomorrow, further developing leadership and organisational structures, accelerating cultural change and filling key positions, it pays tangible dividends in terms of economic success and future competitiveness.

For HR to succeed in its transformation from administrator to future shaper, it needs outstanding managers who can develop the HR function into a strategic partner of business and management combining process reliability with innovation impulses.

As a leading HR and management consultancy, we uniquely combine the prerequisites for the successful recruitment of HR executives for your company:

The diversity of our consultants makes us the benchmark for creatively tackling the strategic challenges of the HR function. When selecting your top personnel, we guide you to success with high process reliability, diagnostic excellence and innovative HR management.
Anna-Maria Karl
Head of Practice Group Human Resources

Experienced and pioneers

We are connoisseurs with very close contact to the HR community, have significantly influenced its development and know the trends, role requirements and key skills in the market.

Enabling network

We are in constant personal contact with the HR executives of large multinational corporations and German Mittelstand companies and therefore have direct access to potential candidates.

Integrative approach

With our executive search and HR transformation portfolio, we have a holistic view on the searching, placement and individual development of HR talent.

Understanding the organisation

Through our deep understanding of organisational needs and individual potentials, we can quickly identify which candidates fit a target position.

From search to onboarding

We provide comprehensive advice on the recruitment and integration of candidates – from the analysis of their situation, strategy and culture to the process of integration.

Human resources: our services

Searching for and selecting managers

Through our industry network, we are in close contact with experienced professionals who can enhance your management team and key positions with the necessary experience and skills – this applies in particular to strategic staffing projects at top level, including executive board and management, as well as supervisory board and advisory board mandates.

Dr. Anna-Maria Karl
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Kirsten Werner-Schaefer
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Didier Guillot
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Developing and implementing HR strategies

Developing and implementing people, employee and functional strategies will ensure the HR function can adapt to new requirements building on traditional HR areas.

Prof. Dr. Walter Jochmann
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Eberhard Hübbe
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Diagnostics and management assessments

With requirements-focused aptitude diagnostic procedures, we will support your company in filling strategic key positions, identifying talent and top performers and providing targeted management development.

Dr. Dennis Kampschulte
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Dirk Seiferth
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Corporate learning & academy building

We structure and optimise effective and efficient corporate learning functions: from learning strategy, organisation and governance right through to processes and learning management systems. For an innovative learning culture as a competitive advantage.

Jens Bergstein
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Analysing and optimising remuneration and incentive systems

We develop – taking into account industry specifics – remuneration and performance management systems which bind particularly success-relevant people to your company for the long term.

Nils Prüfer
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Dr. Sebastian Pacher
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